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Wholesale Services

Fees Drive Profit

Line Break

Your purchasing system isn’t designed for Fee-For-Service. Our reporting is. We were contributors during the shift from the buy-and-hold model to the first generation of IMA’s, then DSA’s and FFS agreements. We know what it takes to maximize your opportunities. Our system makes fee attainment, achievable.

Manufacturer designed agreements require constant oversight. Our reporting tracks the following.

Handing Over Paperwork


There are many ways to aggregate inventory and many more ways to calculate sales averages. This just means DOH calculations are unique to each manufacturer but purchasing systems don’t allow for multiple calculations. Additionally, you need to monitor your trending to know how to calculate the next order accurately. Whether the manufacturer tracks all their items or certain items impacts your results. Whether the items are aggregated, grouped, or measured individually is imperative to understand.

Service Level

Service Level

Sales aren’t a straight line. Your customer sales patterns ebb and flow for a variety of reasons. Fee-For-Service agreements don’t contemplate this. Nor do they adjust for customer order errors. However, with timely reviews and trending, your company will catch these as they happen. If it’s a slow changing trend, you’ll catch that too. In either case, manufacturers are more inclined to log exceptions if they are notified when anomalies occur. Don’t miss a significant portion of your fees because you figured it out too late.

Claw Backs

Claw Backs

Just when you thought Fee-For-Service agreements were meant to pay you a fee, inflation can turn the balance upside down. Use our reporting to know what to accrue during the quarter. Don’t get caught expecting a fee when in fact you’re receiving a bill.